Whether it is for an overnight stay or a longer admission, preparing a child for a hospitalization stay can be stressful for families. Parents are often unsure how much to tell their children in advance and may worry about increasing children’s anxiety by providing too much or the wrong kind of information. They may worry about how to keep children as calm and comfortable as possible while they are in the hospital, or how to keep them connected to family, friends and school during that time. Providing children with information about what to expect in an age-appropriate and specific manner can help with any anxietyRead More →

Call it a humble brag, but we have some pretty amazing nurses and we can’t help but sing their praises. Check out some of the gratitude we’ve received from families that we work with with these eKidzCare reviews. Discover more of the great things people have to say about eKidzCare on our TestimonialsRead More →